Getting a Prostate Cancer Prognosis

Getting a prostate cancer prognosis is very important if it is found that you have prostate cancer. The first step is diagnosis, where your doctor will either confirm or deny that you have the prostate cancer at all. Once they have made a diagnosis, if it is found that you are in fact suffering from prostate cancer, they are going to have to make a prostate cancer prognosis.

The purpose of the prostate cancer prognosis is to basically predict what is going to happen with your condition. Everyone is different and so the way that their prostate cancer plays out may be different from someone else.

The best prostate cancer prognosis, as may be expected, is for patients that have smaller, slower growing tumors. The good news is that this is the case in most prostate cancer situations, but obviously if your cancer is already in an advanced state then you are going to get a not so great prostate cancer prognosis.

If it is considered that you have stage I or stage II prostate cancer, and it is well or moderately differentiated, then watchful waiting, surgery and radiation therapy all may be considered. It really all depends on the particular situation and what your doctor thinks is going to be right in your case.


No matter what your prognosis may be, you are most likely going to need to have surgery. The only guaranteed way to remove the prostate cancer from man’s body is by removing the prostate gland altogether, which is what takes place during the prostate surgery.

There are a few details about the prostate cancer surgery that you are going to want to be aware of before going through with it.

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Surgery, before being decided upon, must be only used as a last resort if all other treatment methods have been tried and failed. There are a few different types of surgery that are available and which may be suggested. There is the nerve-sparing surgery for one, which helps to preserve the nerves that are along the side of the prostate and are needed for an erection.

There is also the laparoscopic surgery which your doctor may recommend, and which is most often done by hand. This is another of the most commonly performed surgeries for prostate cancer, and one that your doctor is probably going to talk to you more about. Just make sure that you are aware of all the details before going through with a surgery.

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