How To find Reputable Prostate Cancer Information Sources

In the United States alone, it is estimated that every year, approximately 186,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. These men of course, will search out helpful information from any source available in order to understand what is happening to them. Of these 186,000 men, about 40,000 will die due to this cancer. And another 38,000 will have either radiation treatment or prostate surgery.

One of the best ways to find out information concerning this cancer is to use the internet. Enlist the help of a friend or loved one if this seems like an impossible task to you. This can be done in the privacy of your own home and during the best hours of the day for your schedule. The use of your public library is another good way to obtain a wealth of information. Look for knowledgeable writers who seem to have studied and base their findings on a balanced view.

The information on these sites or in the books you have chosen from your local library, should contain enough information that you feel like you have gained an understanding of this medical condition. Be sure the writer describes current and up to date treatments. Their information needs to contain facts, and offer the cancer patient hope. Many men will feel more than a little shocked and become very fearful when they hear the words out of their doctors mouth that they have prostate cancer. They need to be able to obtain information that is written in a calm and clear way.

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A man’s best source for cancer information is through his doctor. He is there to talk to as well as ask important and concerning questions. Having done research on your own, will give you a head start in understanding what having this illness actually means. It will enable you to make educated decisions on how to deal with your health and how to be pro-active in your treatment. There are also many organizations that are dedicated to providing prostate cancer information. These include the American Society of Clinical Oncology, the Prostate Cancer Foundation and The Lance Armstrong Foundation. Also, there are many support groups where you can bond with other men who may be experiencing the same thing that you are.

Online chat forums will also give you a chance to communicate with other men who are dealing with this disease. Chat rooms can help you to create friendships on levels you never knew existed. Each person will have their own story of successes and failures and be able to share how they are learning to cope with their illness. Take life one day at a time. And thank your maker that you have today.

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