The Most Common Prostate Cancer Symptoms

Because prostate cancer is one of the most lethal diseases for men over the age of fifty, it’s important to know exactly how to detect it.

The cancer itself grows very slowly, so it’s not noticeable by scans until it’s advanced to the point of doing damage to the surrounding organs and tissues. Getting knowledgeable of the prostate cancer symptoms is the most effective way of early diagnosis and treatment before it reaches to advanced or intermediate stage. The symptoms are most noticeable early on, and when they’re found they can be checked over by a physician, who can then do final diagnosis for the prostate cancer.

Enlarged Prostate

An enlarged prostate is one of the most common prostate cancer symptom. Although it’s not possible for a man to normally see whether his prostate is enlarged, it’s noted by some of its symptoms itself. The prostate controls urination and ejaculation mainly, and these two functions, if disrupted, are signs of an enlarged prostate.

If the man has trouble urinating, it usually means the prostate has enlarged and is pressing against the urethra. Frequent need to urinate is a sign of an enlarged prostate when it presses against the bladder. Rectal tissue and other tissue can be damaged or ruptured by the enlargement.

PSA Levels

PSA tests are a measure of how large the prostate is, by taking a biopsy of the prostate and comparing the level of prostate specific antigen and comparing it to the whole of the prostate. PSA levels that are too high are linked to increased risk of prostate cancer.

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Another prostate cancer symptom is impotence. Damaged or infected prostate tissue can damage the glands that produce semen, or press against the seminal vesicles. This can also cause pain during sexual intercourse or difficulty ejaculating or maintaining an erection.

These are the most common prostate cancer symptoms, and if they are detected and reported early enough, prostate cancer treatment can be administered to prevent the cancer from progressing too far and keeping it from recurring.

Prostate Cancer Prevention

Also, one method of preventing prostate cancer is to ejaculate frequently. It’s been shown in studies that prostate cancer is a third less likely to occur in men who ejaculate at least five times a week, either by sexual intercourse or masturbation.

Getting regular prostate exams is vital to prevention of prostate cancer, because the disease grows too slowly to really be detected otherwise.

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