50 Over 50 Prostate Challenge: Step Towards Prevention

What do popular personalities like John McEnroe, Kelly Tripucka and Rick Mahorn have in common? Well, they’re all involved in the 50 Over 50 prostate health challenge last 2009 to create advocacy and awareness for the most common cancer in men- prostate cancer. Basically,these three men are not suffering from a prostate condition but they are in their 50s and a possible candidate to develop prostate problems.

Although the prostate is just a small walnut shaped part of a man’s reproductive system, it does play a large role in keeping things down there working well. The prostate is primarily responsible for transporting seminal fluids and any problems would result to difficulty in urinating. Because of this, a 50 over 50 prostate health challenge is suited for men as a means of prevention.

50 over 50 prostate health challenge is the basic step to prevention as well as identifying possible symptoms of prostate cancer. The starting symptoms may include painful urination, blood in urine, less force in urine, blood in semen, pain around the pelvic area, leg swelling and bone pain. Nevertheless, most conditions concerning the prostate gland are responsive to treatment. This is why early detection is critical and 50 over 50 prostate health challenge is the perfect means.

One of the endorsers of 50 over 50 prostate health challenge is considered a tennis legend- John Mcenroe. He’s now on his fifth decade and has become aware about his reproductive health. Mr Mcenroe has partnered with leading pharmaceutical GlaxoSmith Kline for an advocacy on prostate health.

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The main concern of the 50 over 50 prostate health challenge is the fact that men are not so open about issues concerning his private parts. By means of powerful media messages, the company would enlighten men aged 50 and above about early detection and choices for treatment.

The 50 0ver 50 prostate health challenge encourages men to undergo three essential steps, namely: a prostate health assessment, seeing a doctor for a prostate exam, and checking your PSA ( prostate-specific antigen) level. If the steps are taken doctors can administer treatment for enlarged prostate. Therefore, men who are 50 and above would not be jeopardized by prostate cancer.

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